8 Amazing EDH Resources and Content Creators

8 amazing magic the gathering edh content producers and resources

Craving some EDH news, gameplay, deck techs, or simply trying to become a better commander player? These 8 content creators & resources will not disappoint.


EDHREC is one of the best Elder Dragon Highlander resources out there. The website boasts an absolutely massive database of different commander decks. They provide a great starting point for almost any commander you can think of. Simply plug in your preferred commander, colors, or theme and you’re all set to start brewing. The website also offers a wide range of EDH articles with new articles posted almost every day. Additionally, they feature all sorts of EDH-related community content from around the web—which I think is pretty awesome.

MTGGoldfish - Commander Clash

Almost all Magic players of any format likely recognize the name MTGGoldfish for their metagame snapshots and janky brews. However, not everybody is familiar with their “Commander Clash” video series. A few times a month, the MTGGoldfish crew gets together on MTGO for some casual EDH typically utilizing less-popular commanders. Although watching EDH on the ancient MTGO platform can be a bit treacherous, they keep it quite entertaining. The Commander Clash series is definitely worth a watch.

The Command Zone (YouTube)

This is probably the biggest production in the EDH scene. The Command Zone produces some of the best quality & engaging gameplay videos out there. Their Game Knights video series features various MTG personalities, famous athletes, and everything in between. The channel also features a wide variety of EDH content designed to help make you a better player.

The Command Zone PodCast

Much like The Command Zone’s YouTube channel, their podcast is very well produced. If you’re a podcast-listener, this is a fantastic way to stay up to date on everything commander. The podcast focuses on all aspects of EDH gameplay and strategy—politics, budget builds, deck tech, you name it, they cover it.

The Commander’s Quarters (YouTube)

This channel is primarily focused on budget-friendly ($25 or less) commander brews and card reviews. If budget is a factor for you, The Commander’s Quarters is an indispensable resource. Their content is very quick and digestible.

MTG Muddstah (YouTube)

MTG Muddstah is quickly becoming one of the largest EDH content producers on YouTube. His videos are very well edited, fast, and informative. If you’re fixing for some high-quality EDH gameplay, definitely give MTG Muddstah a shot!

Laboratory Maniacs (YouTube)

Lab Maniacs is a YouTube channel focused on cEDH (Competitive EDH). If you’re more of a casual player, this might not be the channel for you. However, for more competitive-focused EDH players, this channel is a goldmine of great gameplay, deck tech, and set reviews.

Tapped Out

Tapped out is an oldie but goodie. Although the website isn’t quite as active as it used to be, there’s still plenty of EDH content on the site. If you’re looking for a bit of deckbuilding inspiration, or to get some feedback on your brew, this is a great place for that.

And that’s all I’ve got for now. Hopefully, I helped you discover some cool new EDH resources. There’s a plethora of fantastic EDH content producers and resources out there, so don’t limit your hunt to just this list. Get out there and support the smaller guys, too!

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